CNP CYPRUS - News Viewer



 Laiki Insurance has been cooperating for 11 consecutive years with the Cyprus Fire Brigade on issues of Fire Safety. Within this fruitful cooperation, as well as its social responsibility policy, Laiki Insurance was the exclusive sponsor of the music and dancing performance «Lighted Candles», organised by the Cyprus Fire Brigade, at Strovolos Municipality Theatre on February 4th, 2012, at 8:00p.m.


The performance was dedicated to the six firefighters who lost their lives due to the explosion at Mari and the net revenue from this event will be donated to their families.


The event started with short addresses by the Deputy Manager of the Cyprus Fire Brigade, Mr. Marcos Tragkolas and on behalf of Laiki Insurance by the Chief Executive Offices of CNP CYPRUS INSURANCE HOLDINGS Group, Mr. Takis Phidia.








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