CNP CYPRUS - The Group

The Group

The CNP CYPRUS INSURANCE HOLDINGS Group of Companies is a member of the international French insurance group CNP ASSURANCES, with over 170 years of experience, an income of €33.5 billion from premium fees and 38 million insured persons in 2019.

CNP CYPRUS INSURANCE HOLDINGS is the holding company of all of the insurance companies of the CNP Group that carry on business in Cyprus (CNP CYPRIALIFE, CNP ASFALISTIKI) and in Greece (CNP ZOIS, CNP ASFALISTIKI – Greek branch), while at the same time it is strengthened through its strategic partnership with CNP ASSURANCES. The Insurance Group, CNP CYPRUS INSURANCE HOLDINGS, holds a leading position in the Cypriot insurance market and stands strong, next to its 160,000 customers who trust it on a daily basis for a number of years now.

With the basic principle "to help our customers build a better future, by insuring the present", we strengthen the leading position of the CNP CYPRUS INSURANCE HOLDINGS Group, while at the same time we respond to our customers’ needs in a consistent manner.


A great insurance power, a power of confidence and trust that is constantly responds to the needs of Cypriot citizens.


The company’s expansion in Greece once again proves its strong financial position and its key role in the insurance sector.


The CNP CYPRUS INSURANCE HOLDINGS Group of Companies is a member of the French insurance colossus CNP ASSURANCES.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Corporate Social Responsibility Report of CNP ASSURANCES 2020.

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