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3rd Lecture Health & Safety at Work


CNP ASFALISTIKI, the Labor Inspection Department of the Ministry of Labor & Social Insurance and the Cyprus Safety & Health Association, held an event on "Licensing and Basic Requirements for the operation of premises". The lecture took place on May 10, 2024, in the Amphitheatre of the Central Offices of the CNP CYPRUS Group in Nicosia and was attended by representatives from the local public and private sectors.

The lecture was about the legislation implementation framework of the Department of Labor Inspection (DLI) for the issuing of licenses and certificates and the basic requirements for the operation of workplace and other facilities. The requirements, based on the relevant legislation, were explained in detail. CNP ASFALISTIKI, within its social responsibility program, supports such actions which enhance public awareness on Health & Safety issues at workplace.

The speaker was Mr. Evangelos Maragoudakis, Health and Safety Advisor.

An open discussion followed, and the participants exchanged views regarding the subject.

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