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"Let’s not leave our dreams turn to ashes!" Fire Safety Week 2024 | Open Day Event


Within the framework of the Fire Safety Week, which is co-organized by CNP ASFALISTIKI and the Cyprus Fire Service for the 23rd consecutive year, the culmination of the joint actions was the Open Day event that took place on Saturday, April 27th, at the NICOSIA MALL.

At the event, the attendees had the opportunity to see contemporary fire brigade vehicles and equipment and to be informed by experts on the issues of fire prevention and extinguishing. At the same time, the children enjoyed specially designed activities for them, such as photo booth and stilt performance. The whole event was supported by a live link. Executives of CNP ASFALISTIKI and the Cyprus Fire Service offered to the public symbolic gifts and informative material on fire safety.

The event was held under the auspices of the Honourable Minister of Justice and Public Order and aimed to inform the public about ways to prevent and deal with fire.

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